Wednesday, May 22, 2024



We were treated to the beauty of a rainbow last evening. 

Then, as you'll see at the bottom, there were two. 

It's a quiet, peaceful morning with the occasional sound of a car passing by or a bird chirping off in the distance. 

Oh, and let's not forget the quiet rhythm of raindrops hitting the most immediate surface as they fall from the sky. 

The weather people told us on the forecasts that we would have a steady rain through the night and today, and they were right. 

Today's outdoor scene brought one mid spring fact to life:  pollen is escaping from the pine trees. 

We have a LOT of pine trees around the place, so we are seeing that distinctive lime green coating on mud puddles, cars and water tanks.  

Yesterday, with its occasional gusts of wind, we saw green clouds emanating from the trees and moving through the air. 

I'm so happy to have mowed the entire lawn yesterday and to have done some major weed eating. 

The place looks gorgeous this morning because cooler temperatures are preventing dandelions from shooting up out of my groomed lawn. 

The dandelions are slowing down, but there are plenty of hold-outs waiting for the next burst of warm air. 

Along with that, though, will come beans, which are finally pushing through the soil and showing their welcome presence. 

My final assault on garden planting will occur when that next burst of warm air hits.  For now, the cukes are still residing in the green house, along with a few tomatoes destined for other homes. 

There's still a flower basket or two and some geraniums I planted from seed. 

Soon, the greenhouse will go idle for the next several months. 

It's been a busy destination ever since mid-March. 

And, on this WETnesday morning, another Idaho primary election is pretty much in the books. 

Here at this house, we didn't get all we asked for in the results---far from it, in fact. 

But, like Annie says when she sets off on her Caminos (this next one 500 miles) it's a matter of taking one step at a time and putting one foot in front of the other. 

Bill and I agreed this morning that the one major and most desired win in our minds signaled that the way is open for the pendulum to begin swinging again. 

One step at a time, and if you proceed forward in both your mind and body, that's a definite positive and, of course, that's a major guideline of this life on earth.

I hope the candidates who won seats in yesterday's election will, when they take office, strive to attain a high standard and remember the broad scope of whom they represent.  

All voters expect such behavior and would appreciate that level of professionalism and genuine "service" to constituents.  

Happy WETnesday.  

Enjoy the welcome quiet of the day after. 

I think one of the above may soon be tending to maternal duties. 

My first of a host of colorful iris yet to come. 

The amazing colors come from a batch of starts given to me by Carol and Gary Pietsch 18 years ago. 

When it comes to generosity with iris, it's definitely a prime example of the gift that keeps on giving. 

Marilla, this one's for you!

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