Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Ahh! Sunshine and Summer!



This beautiful blue iris came from the Camp family. 

It's one of my favorites because of its lovely fragrance. 


Good Morning, Sunshine.

We know we'll be complaining in three days about how hot it is, but for now, sunshine, blue skies and some warmth are welcome.


Mother Nature has done a complete job in saturating our earth with water.  Gardens and grass fields will abound with growth thanks to all the moisture followed by warmth. 

So, no complaints and great joy in this gorgeous morning. 

The Lovestead is no longer a construction zone. It turned out that Joey and Jada decided to come with the new sink and toilet yesterday while Richard was doing finish work around the shower. 

Amazingly, their time management was perfect.  Nobody got in anyone's way, the bathroom improvement was completed. 

Bill says there are still some shelves coming for the shower, but it all looks great. 

We both agreed to dismiss the idea of shower doors because the unit is built so that water doesn't seep out, unless you left the shower on too long. 

Besides a curtain will be easier to open and close than doors and much less cleaning needed. 

So, today, it's going to be relatively quiet here.  Bill is going to another Trout Unlimited friend's house to put some fly fishing equipment together for upcoming lessons. 

I'll spend some time at a luncheon gathering to visit my friend  and retired educator Betty Fredrickson Johnston who's in town for a couple of days.  Haven't seen Betty for several years, so it should be fun.

Below:  Bridie met Robyn.

Robyn introduced us to Border Collies. 

One year she had her mama dog with a bunch of puppies in the bleachers at the county fair. 

I immediately fell in love and picked out a female with a lot of chrome. 

From that moment to this day, I have loved Kiwi, even since she went to Border Collie Heaven three years ago. 

Kiwi was the sweetest, smartest and most beautiful dog I've ever had, and Bill also fell in love. 

Much like Bridie, Kiwi had enjoyed a special and unique relationship with both of us, including spending time fly fishing with Bill. 

Both Bill and I are forever grateful to Robyn for helping start our love affair with Border Collies.

So, for Robyn to meet Bridie at the Gathering Place north of Bonners Ferry yesterday was, indeed, a special moment.  

It took Bridie about 10 seconds to give Robyn some Bridie love. 

Robyn even offered to spend some time with Bridie to see what her herding skills might be.  We are honored and will probably take her up on the offer. 

For now, it seems like a full-circle moment to introduce our Border Collie to the wonderful lady who introduced us to Border Collies. 

All the way around, it's a love affair with no end. 

The work of Joey, Jada (plumbers) and Richard (carpenter). 

Job well done. 

How does the garden grow? 

Very well, thank you. 

How about those weeds?

Just as well but hopefully, they'll get some eradicating while the soil is still soft and moist.

More choice and more voice.

Can't beat that when selecting candidates for office. 

Definitely a simple and easy way to characterize open primaries. 

Our friend Luke, who heads the Idaho Open Primary movement sent us this video which explains the reasons for the Open Primary Initiative and how it works. 

The Initiative will be on the general election ballot this fall. 

If it passes, the whole state gets more choices and more voices in primary elections. 

Watch this video, and do pass it along to everyone who may have questions or who may be questioning open primaries. 


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