Sunday, October 06, 2024

A Donegal Sunday


Pretty much infinite ocean beyond this Malin Head sign at the northernmost tip of the Republic of Ireland. 

Road to Mamore Gap and some of the ever-growing religious displays at the gap below. 

Twas our first time at the Gap with its spectacular view and religious history and hopefully not our last.  

Merely a portion of the massive and spectacular view of farm land and the ocean as seen from Mamore Gap in County Donegal.

Paint swabs on sheep identifies the owner.  

Different owners use different colors or even combinations of color.  

This is the first time we've seen the sheep numbered and are guessing the owner wanted to keep track of each individual in the flock. 

We did some beach walking yesterday, with a repeat visit to Culdaff Beach, which is not far from where we are staying. 

It's huge, picturesque and filled with fun people and dogs. 

I met Janine Breslin from Derry.  She, her husband and kids and their pup were having a great time entertaining themselves on the beach and in the water. 

Janine at 40 does some pretty neat cart wheels, which I'll post in a few days after downloading from my digital camera. 

Bob, the Border Collie, is 2.  He loves kids, he works and he knows when it's Sunday because that means a day off. 

He and his owner live fairly close to the Seaview Tavern. 

As I think of Bob, my heart aches on this day which marks exactly a year since we lost our beloved Liam while in Ireland.  He remains close to our hearts and we miss him so much. 

This day is also Liam's birthday, so we send him our love and we know he works seven days a week as an angel watching over his friends Foster and Bridie. 

Liam was a very good dog. 


As I type here on Monday morning in Ireland, it's Sunday evening back home.  Willie and Debbie made it to Seattle on their Aer Lingus flight and now are on their flight to Spokane from Seattle. 

It will be a short night for both as they report to work in the morning.  

Wishing them safe travels and a good first day back home. 

We still have roads to travel as we make our way back to Dublin Airport today and begin the long trip home tomorrow. 

But we have pretty much reached the end of a long road of exciting adventures in Spain, Portugal and Ireland which began on Sept. 20. 

We've, indeed, packed in as much as possible since then, and we're so thankful to have done much of it with our kids. 

As always, we appreciate and deeply love Ireland and its people.  Thanks to all whom we met along the way and especially to our beloved friends who've hosted us at each stop. 

Lots of new and familiar faces have contributed to what Bill and I consider the trip of a lifetime. 

It will be so good to be home in a couple of days, because, even with our never-ending love of Ireland,  home with our beloveds (animals, friends and family)  is the best place on earth. 

Once again, because of travel, the blog postings may be erratic for the next couple of days and, heck, I might even skip one. 

Happy Monday.

Finally, to a great man and a cousin who lives in Chicago, HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY,  Bill Short. 

Hope you enjoy your much deserved celebration.

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