Well, this morning, it's up to $330. Got word two days ago that the Panida Theater launched a fundraiser on eBay with my Viggo interview. The auction ends Friday afternoon, and so far, 16 bidders have pushed the price to its present level.
They're after their own copy of the winter edition of Sandpoint Magazine (www.sandpointonline.com) It features a telephone interview I conducted with Viggo Mortensen last summer. For those who don't know, Viggo played the king in Lord of the Rings and the lead in Hidalgo.
He owns property near Sandpoint and has been hanging out here since the 1980s. He also successfully auditioned for a part in Death of a Salesman at the Panida, but had to turn it down when Sean Penn cast him in a movie.
Viggo autographed and wrote a short note on one page of the article for this auction. All necessary information can be found at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=59&item=3878683144&rd
We've heard of several other instances where people have offered a copy of the magazine with the article and no Viggo autograph on eBay. In one case, it sold for $202.50. In another, $60.
So, with THE MAN's real DNA on this one, it oughta be interesting. And, the best part is the Panida may fatten its coffers a bit. Tell your friends. Tell them to pass the word.
If ya want to see the unedited, uncut version of this story, which seems to be getting some extra mileage, go to www.mariannelove.com. It's there.
Thought you might find this interesting: My sister is selling a CA condo to a woman who is Lord of the Rings to a T. 24/7, however you want to call it. She needs to bid on this!
You're a good person to participate in this, esp. because the Panida is a worthwhile endeavor in spite of some questionable board members.
Hope it does well.
Have you seen this ebay website yet?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
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