Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Slightly Nice

Good Morning from the California desert sunshine. The rock-faced mountain to my right outside Jean and Joe's window is lit up for the day as are all those palm trees.
The top scene is from the country club where Mow (Jean) played tennis yesterday morning. Absolute perfection for beauty and lovely weather.
I hear from Bill that six inches of snow fell at the Lovestead overnight and that the power went out briefly. He says there's a lot of dripping off the eaves and that may the snow will turn to rain.
This morning we're going to a "quiche" place with a view for breakfast with my classmate and friend Janis Puz.
Annie arrived safely around midnight after driving from Santa Ana airport. So, she's snoozing away as is everyone else in the house, even Bob, the parrot. He even snores, I've discovered.
He thought he might have to write the blog again this morning, but since I'm up, I'll just let him sleep.
All is well, especially the hospitality.
I'll simply post a few photos, and then it will be time to get on with the day.
After breakfast, Annie and I are taking off on our overnighter road trip to Las Vegas. Geocaching followed by bright lights. Should be a fun day.
Happy Saturday.

Mow (left) with her tennis partners, Carol and Gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A wonderful day for sure! Meeting Mow & Annie was "the berries". Hugs, Puz