Sunday, February 19, 2012

Walking down a Snowy Road

I'm almost positive I heard a robin this morning.  It was a welcome, distinct sound coming from Meserve's tree grove as I walked by.
Even if it was a chickadee trying to impersonate a robin, I'll take it. 
Most of my post-chores, pre-paper-reading time was spent walking down our snow-covered road.
I had the road all to myself, so I could plod right down the middle if I wanted.  
I left most of my foot prints in the tire tracks just to the left of center.
Our snowfall overnight was deep enough to wet down the cuffs of my jeans, so having tire tracks as a pathway was nice. 
I thoroughly enjoyed this morning's walk, maybe more than the usual.  
The beauty of new-fallen snow along with the warmth of an early spring temperature AND that robin sound made for a nice blend.
The lone disturbance to nature's early-morning artwork came in the form of those tire tracks filled in with my footprints.
Otherwise, silence, broken by occasional bird sounds,  made for a peaceful stroll down the road almost as far as the Johnsons driveway.  
I turned around at the bottom of the first hill, just to burn a few more calories.
Calorie burning was necessary this morning after that brownie topped with ice cream topped with chocolate syrup last night as we drowned our sorrows in the ZAGS loss to San Francisco.
That loss was definitely an "OUCH!" as only one point separated the Dons from the ZAGS.
Usually, while losing their few games this year, the ZAGS have thoroughly disgusted us throughout the contest with their mismanagement of the basketball.
Well, there was ball mismanagement, all right, i.e. 20 turnovers, but it was still a hard-fought spirited game. 
Even my claim,  while dishing up those desserts,  that the ZAGS need to be proud because they've made the WCC a stronger league, received less than enthusiastic agreement. 
"We don't care," one of my sisters said.  "They still lost." 
So, we ate our thousand or so delicious calories, trying to forget.
By this morning, I had forgotten the sick feeling in my stomach that comes with every ZAGS loss but had not forgotten the dessert.  
So, trudging up a small hill on South Center Valley Road helped my overindulgence.  I hope!
Just before arriving back at the Lovestead, I did need to move over into deeper snow for our paper deliverer. 
He drove on past me just a ways, delivered his papers and then caught up with me just north of the driveway.
Perfect timing on a lovely morning.  Good walk and then some good paper reading.
I can't say I loved everything I read, though. 
It was especially painful to turn to the sports page for a reminder of last night's ZAGS loss.
This is a new day, though, and joy shall return to ZAGS land, but hopefully not any more snow.
I'm on my way outside to listen and to make sure that really I did hear that robin.
Happy Sunday. 

1 comment:

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

yes, the robins have arrived in the Selle Valley.