Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Beer, Mars and No Dew

I'm wondering how our local Laughing Dog and Mick Duff's brews would stand up to this glass of ale, pictured on Annie's wall yesterday as she drove closer to Germany.

She's there now and attending a geocaching event in Dakau, where she'll be staying tonight.  

She says her schedule, unfortunately,  does not allow time for a visit to the site of the German concentration camp.  

Meanwhile, over in London, our USA jumper was temporarily in second place with five faults in today's individual finals.  Rich Fellers was one of the first riders in the second round, so his placing could change.

He did get some television time over the past few days, regardless of where he ends up,  and the honor of representing the United States and the state of Oregon is both impressive and laudable. 

For spectating cheerleaders like me, having even an indirect link to such achievers makes the Olympics more thrilling.

And, speaking of thrills and achievers, I thoroughly enjoyed a brief but insightful conversation with one of my former students at last night's gathering at Hope.

Our hostess with the mostess, Niki,  is an astrobiologist in California who does research and teaching for the SETI Institute which explores the origins, possibilities and prevalence of life in the universe.

Niki's studies take place here on earth, often in Yellowstone park, examining life and environments that could be parallel to those found on Mars. 

To say that this young lady was excited about the recent intricate but successful landing of the Mars rover is an understatement.  

Some of her bosses from the SETI Institute were on board at the Jet Propulsion Lab where scientists watched nervously and cheered the perfect landing. 

Niki was at home here in North Idaho with her mom during the landing watching anxiously and cheering wildly just like her "nerd" colleagues.  

Her enthusiasm and knowledge of this project and ability to put it all into words for the common lay person to understand was evident last night. 

As an aside, Niki explained to me that the movie Contact with Jodi Foster is based on the life of one of the SETI Institute founders, Dr. Jill Tarter, who studied under Carl Sagan.  

Niki has actually been associated with Dr. Tarter with her teaching assignments. 

Niki serves as another shining example of a multitude of graduates from Sandpoint High School who are doing amazing things with their careers throughout the world. 

Today marks the first day of this summer when I could walk through the fields and the woods without coming back with soggy feet.

We must have zero humidity, thanks to an overnight breeze.  I took the dogs through the hay field and checked occasional wind rows for moisture.  

There was virtually none except for a small area next to the woods.  And, the 20-percent chance of rain overnight went to zero.

So, I think we're going to be okay with this year's hay crop.  The baling crew could be here today, and if all goes right, it will be stored in its winter home by tomorrow. 

Lookin' like a good day ahead.  So, I'll head out there and take it on.

Happy Wednesday. 

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