Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Tuesday Twitterdeedee

I asked Annie this morning if she was going to bring her new friend home.  She said probably not.

Annie met this little guy at the Rock of Gibralter.  I'm pretty sure the meeting happened earlier today in Spain.

I do know that the gentleman directly behind Annie in the bottom photo reached a milestone in his life while visiting Gibralter.

Jon Stanley aka Moun10Bike found his 10,000th cache while visiting the famous ROCK in Spain. 

According to my husband and a lot of other area geocachers, Moun10Bike is a legend.  Well, the fact that he has found 10,000 caches makes him pretty special for sure.

Back in the family's early geocaching days, Bill aka Loblollylove was finding Moun10Bike caches all over North Idaho.  And, to be the first to find a cache where the legend had left his special coin, was comparable in geocachers' minds to Olympic gold.

Moun10Bike did his original caching in the Spokane/Priest Lake area.  Please note the T-shirt worn by him at Gibralter.  Yup, it says Priest Lake. 

For the past few years, Moun10Bike has been working at Groundspeak with Annie.  He and fellow colleague Lynn Storton, along with Annie, have been burning up the roads in Western Europe and North Africa, finding more geocache notches to put on their belts.

Today Annie is headed off to Germany with Stuttgart as her destination.  And, of course, there will be more geocaching along the way.

In my other European focus, Rich Fellers and Flexible had 8 faults yesterday and finished tied for 6th in the third go round of Olympic Show Jumping.

They have today off and will be competing again tomorrow, so I'm wishing them luck.

How about that USA-Canada women's soccer match!  I'm betting that one will rank up there almost as high at the USA-Russia gold-medal hockey match in 1980.

Both teams played their hearts out.  Too bad they both couldn't win.  

I'm looking forward to joining the former students/friends for dinner tonight.  One of them works for NASA, and she's been very excited about the Mars mission.  

It will be interesting to hear her take on how important and significant this mission is.  

Seems almost too bad that the landing was timed right in the middle of the Olympics cuz the achievement surely deserves big headline status. 

Our hay may get baled today.  Hope it all happens before the next round of possible thunder storms.  

I received a note a few days ago from the folks in Bonners Ferry where I always purchase a ton or two of rich, wonderful first-cutting alfalfa. 

I use the hay especially for Big Lily to supplement my grass hay, throwing in a flake with each feeding. 

None available, she told me.  The Bonners Ferry farmers lost unbelievable amounts of hay and income when those nonstop rains pelted their first crop a few weeks back.

With that in mind, I'm hoping that every single bale in our field gets under cover without getting wet.  

It's premium stuff considering the other crop losses in the area.

It's gonna be a hot one today, all the more reason I really enjoyed my usual morning walk earlier.  

This morning I went the Selle Road route.  Along the way, a jogger passed me, I heard noise over at Taylors and saw Elizabeth feeding the birds and just ahead of me another neighbor was rolling his garbage can to the end of his driveway.

Later, on my return route on South Center Valley Road, another neighbor Sherry stopped to tell me about the doe and her triplets that walked down the road in front of their house last night.

Over here in the Lovestead field we often have a mama and her twins.  

So, it's looking like the deer population is doing well this year.

It's still somewhat cool, so I'll get on my way.  Have a wonderful Tuesday. 


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