Monday, August 06, 2012

Brown MLove Helado $3, 25

My mind is spinning several directions this morning.  

The TV is on.  I'm trying to catch the coverage of today's show jumping competition.  

Yesterday, just after Lori (pictured in the hay swather above) had finished cutting our hay field, she stopped in the driveway for a Schwan's root beer float popsicle and a visit.  

Bill's always generous with his Schwan's supply, and Lori was happy to oblige him. 

Bill went back to the house while we visited.  A few minutes later, he came out and asked, "What's that show jumper guy's name?"

"Rich Fellers," I answered.

"Well, his on the TV right now," Bill said.

Two women ran a "Bolt-style" sprint into the house without taking time to point fingers into the air.

Sure enough, there was Rich Fellers aboard his Irish-bred Flexible.  A clean round.  Lots of cheering.

He's competing right now, but I can't seem to find show jumping on any of the TV stations.  So, I'm trying for live online streaming.  Of course, with satellite Internet, it might take Rich all day to watch Rich finish his course.

My brain is also envisioning Africa.  Annie's either headed there or already there.  She sent a photo from the boat this morning as it pulled out of port in Spain.  

Can't wait to see the photos she posts of her experiences in Morocco.  

That top picture has no particular caption except that it's "vintage Annie," and I love it.  

Her big smile tells it all about her wonderful life, wonderful job and wonderful experiences on this particular journey.

She posted the dessert photo on my wall yesterday, announcing, "Mom, I found your namesake dessert in a cute restaurant in Algeciras, Spain."

Well, it doesn't get any closer than that.  I asked her if she could bring me a sample, but she said it was ice cream so probably not.

Guess I'll have to put Algeciras on my bucket list and go try that ice cream.  

Between the Olympics, the continued excitement of following Annie's journey, the annual hay harvest and all that other stuff that keeps me hopping here at the Lovestead, I'm having to do some serious multi-tasking.  

And, wait, that's not all.

This week is the annual Celebrate Life walk/fun run.  Class of 1992 is having its reunion, and a bunch of dear friends and former students have invited me to "parents' night" at their annual week-long get together.  

I think I'm gonna have to get me a schedule and post it on the kitchen island to remember everything on the docket.

Off to water the gardens.  Happy Monday.  Go TEAM USA in show jumping.  Good luck, Annie in Morocco and praying for no rain on our hay.  

Happy Monday. 

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