Sunday, August 05, 2012

Shining Moments . . . .

Posies keep popping out and providing moments of delight here at the Lovestead.  

I love echinacea, and so do the bugs, according to this shot captured in the early evening light yesterday.  

I think the Lovestead will have a never-ending supply of poppies, now that a few have been planted by hand.  

They show up in the strangest places.  Must be the wind helps distribute their seed every year.  
 I don't care where they want to live on this place.  They're pretty no matter what. 

Yesterday was a day filled with projects and even a first.  

At 65 years old, I've never made a quiche.  Now, I can add that to my bucket list, thanks to all that lovely chard in the garden. 
Not wanting the chard to go to waste, I bought some ingredients and then look up a recipe for bacon-spinach quiche.  

I think it's wiser to look at the recipe and THEN buy the ingredients, but let's remember I've always had a "left-handed" approach to life.  

Well, when I looked at the recipe, it called for thick, heavy cream and swiss cheese.  Didn't have either.  I did have Tillamook medium cheddar and sour cream and, of course chard rather than bacon.

Didn't matter; the quiche was tasty and delightful, if not just a bit on the rich side. 

Yesterday's project schedule was sprinkled with occasional looks on Facebook to see what Annie was up to.  She had a full day with the geocoinfest and then an evening geocaching tour (40 caches)  of Lisbon via bicycle.

Annie told me they received a police escort when 150 biking geocachers showed up for the tour.  She said it was all pretty impressive.  

Annie has posted another 56 photos of Portugal on Facebook, and I've brought her album over to my wall, so check 'em out.  

The photo on this morning's blog actually occurred today when she decided to "hang out" at the Portuguese Presidential palace and, of course, do a little Seattle Sounders promotion.   

She tells me the schedule has been grueling and fun and that she's feeling a bit worn out but much fun lies ahead with today's return to Spain and tomorrow's visit to Morocco.

Meanwhile, back here at the Lovestead, I also finished up a batch of serviceberry jelly yesterday.  Serviceberries are more than prolific this year, so I picked a bunch from around the dog kennel, leaving plenty for the birds.

In between jelly preparation came a major assault on the downstairs bath tub.  I've had a hard time finding anything that will remove the stain but yesterday hit paydirt with some Kaboom spray. 

You spray it on.  It's purple.  When it turns white, it's time to scrub.  The stuff works pretty well, and I'm thinking of applying one more coat of purple to get that tub as spiffy clean as possbile. 

Haven't heard yet from the "Squatchers."  They took off yesterday afternoon, and if a Squatch didn't get them, maybe they'll have some good stories to tell about their "sqatchtivities," as Debbie calls it. 

Lots of shining moments on the TV with the Olympics, off in Europe with Annie and around here.  Love 'em all. 

Speaking of the Olympics, be sure to tune in to show jumping and watch for Rich Fellers and Flexible as they compete with the USA in show jumping.  

I heard from Rich's son Chris yesterday, and the excitement is definitely building. 

Happy Sunday.

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