Friday, August 24, 2012

Brats and the Fair

Those brats had better be ready for us when we get there.  If not, we're gonna go hungry.

Today marks another day at a Bonner County Fair when my friend and outlaw Rose Marie and I get together with the brats----these would be edible brats.

These are the brats dressed in a bun and accessorized with mustard, relish and sauerkraut.

Enjoying a brat for lunch at the fair has become our annual tradition.  

I don't know how many years we've met, sat on a bale of hay and visited while biting in to and savoring our brats.

I think it's seven or eight by now.

Before today's brat encounter, however, comes the digital photography contest.  

Later, this morning I'll meet my sister Barbara at the fair office, camera and cord in hand. 

We'll check in and receive instructions for the contest, which involves looking for great candid photos at the fair. 

We have nearly three hours to search, snap and download. 

We'll also have some categories from which to choose. 

I can't think of any better way to take in the fair than to go on a photo mission. We'll definitely experience some upclose and personal aspects of the critters, displays and participants. 

After our selected photo from the morning's collection is downloaded, it will go on the Bonner County Fair Facebook page, so people can vote.  

The hope always is that quality will rule the voting process.  But we've all been around the block a time or two, so anything can happen.

When it's over, we'll probably have some neat experiences to share, so that in itself makes the activity worthwhile.  

Also, when it's over, there should be a brat waiting to meet me. 

I'm sure I'll be able to deal with that brat just fine.

Happy Friday. 

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