Six people
One raft
One pontoon
One fish caught
One gorgeous stretch of river
Two states
No cell phone reception
Four cameras
Two bottles of Kokanee
Several wet backpacks
One found life jacket -- no person to go with it
Three trains headed east
A dozen or so tunnels
Several blue herons
Numerous osprey, some talking, some fishing
A dozen or so mergansers
Lots of banter
Two potty stops
17-20 miles floated when you include the eddies
Just over six hours of float time
Just over six hours of float time
Some squatching; no sightings
Gorgeous day
Raft/shuttle provided by River Rafting by Rex:
Raft/shuttle provided by River Rafting by Rex:
Thanks, Bill, for arranging this recreational treat.
Oodles of priceless memories.
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