Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Twitterdeeslop

I can see a patch of blue out my west window.  Looks like the slop will just stay put or maybe even melt away today.  

We do have abundant slop, everywhere.  My morning walk had to be put on hold today.  Maybe later.

Yesterday I lit the first fire of the season----in the wood stove, that is.  

Twirling those thermostats back and forth from room to room for the past couple of weeks was starting to feel expensive. 

So, wood, gathered by Bill and Willie through the fall,  is taking over and doing a much better job of distributing warmth throughout the house.  

We have a nice wood stove.  It's small, but it puts out big heat.

Speaking of wood, I'm learning a lot about timber these days.  

Inland Forest Management is now employing two retirees at this household.  

I can call myself an editor now-----at least until they decide I'm not.   

In the past week I've learned about forbs, long butting, seral stages and forest carbon storage. 

I've also learned more about how root rot, white pine blister rust and bark beetles can devastate a forest.

I've dealt with spelling, capitalization, commas, semicolons, and hyphens, along with the usual items which add polish to an already well-written piece. 

I've learned forest-related terminology and how it's spelled, compounded or capitalized as opposed to journalism or formal essay writing.

It's been a fun project, editing forest plans and learning a whole lot more about forestry to add to the tidbits I've heard over the years from Bill.  

The responsibility of such assignments is a bit intimidating, but, as I told Bill, they'll either like my work or they won't. 

As a retiree, I can respond accordingly, but so far, it's been a fun and mentally invigorating and welcome addition to my daily routine.  

How 'bout those ZAGS last night!  

I don't know if it was wise for all those commentators, both at the game and at the national desk, to start pegging our ZAGS as a potential FINAL FOUR team---so soon, anyway.

Time will tell if the prognosticators have called it correctly.  

Finally, I'll keep my thoughts on this week's big news short:  seems like we have a GENERAL problem called GENERAL NAUGHTINESS. 

I know I'm naive, but what's with these guys anywho!

Just wonderin'!

Happy Tuesday. 

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