Thursday, April 30, 2015

Throwbacks and Such

Oh, the treasures we find in the dresser drawers!  Yup, this collection came from the top drawers of a dresser Willie used to have in his bedroom over on Great Northern Road. 

I don't know who gets credit for the photography, but I'll take credit for several chuckles this morning.

Plus, that top photo has meaning and pretty good timing.   

I don't ever announce on my blog when Bill is gone, but since he'll be home tonight, I can announce that he's been in Louisiana this week with his sister Margaret.  They've been going through family items which have lived in a storage bin for a number of years. 

After hours of sorting, many of those items will head west where Bill and Margaret will figure out where to store them again.  

The subject of kids' items left at Mom and Dad's home seems to have come up several times in conversations during the last couple of weeks.  

Seems it's the thing to do---mostly because a lot of folks don't know where the heck to put all that stuff once they take possession.  

It's no different at this house.  A storage room and a bedroom upstairs have a lot of Annie's stuff, while the other storage room and this room where I do my computer work have a lot of Willie's.

I proclaimed when we moved here nine years ago that the next time we move, we'll move on down to Pack River Cemetery, and the kids can clean the house.  

Down the road a ways (and we do hope it's a long ways), Willie and Annie will be sifting through stuff here in Mom and Dad's house and having their own trip down memory lane just like Bill and Margaret did this week.

Well, Bill and his sister are enroute as I type to catch their flights in the home of the "relic" above.  It was pretty exciting back in the 1980s when we had left Louisiana via Houston and Bill asked if we wanted to go to an Astros game.  

No arguments there.  

So, we pulled in, bought tickets for the nosebleed section and then found a motel in the not-so-good section of Houston (whole 'nother story there---that was the night we slept in two motels, or should I say "stayed," cuz we didn't sleep much).

At the baseball game, my fear of heights kept me from watching too much of the game, but I got to know the Astrodome pretty well.  

Ironically, tonight our Mariners are playing the opening game in a series against the Astros. Unfortunately, for Bill, his flight leaves Houston too soon for him to take in the game.

Moving on down the photos, that guy holding the apple---or is it a giant strawberry---is the husband of one of my regular readers, who, by the way, grew up in Oakdale, same town as Bill and Margaret.

One year (before the Milennium), our sons, Seth and Willie, and another friend took a road trip to Louisiana.   

Anyway, since I didn't take the photo, I have no idea why David Noonan was holding up an apple, but I can definitely say he's a well-dressed apple/strawberry holder. 

By the way, Katie, Bill says the new manager of the Calcacieu National Bank which has since had two new names) reminded him a lot of you.  So, you'll have to hear Bill's story when he gets home.

I should have discovered the third picture at the beginning of this month because those two young men were born the same day----April Fool's Day.  That's when I met Jeannie Coburn for the first time.  Aaron was born a few hours after Willie.

Our "April Fools," both sons of teachers, turned out to be pretty wise, accomplished young men. 

And, then there's the ultimate photo bomb shot (no pun intended), as the Wilund boys, Josh and Travis, worked really hard to present a good face for the camera while a "distraction" was occurring behind them.  

For the record, I don't think Willie has ever shot anything but a target.  

The Love kids and the Wilund kids spent a lot of time together as young 'uns.  As did the Love kids and the Knowles kids and Joel Martin.  

I can safely say that Willie and Annie knew the Knowles kids and Joel since birth.  The Knowles lived in our neighborhood, while Joel's mom was also a teacher. 

Good memories of all those kids.  They all turned out just fine and make their parents and other admirers very proud. 

Happy Thursday. 

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