Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Splendors of Spring

Jack and Colleen Filipowski's calves up the road look better than ever this year. 

I can hear geese honking over the house.  

Haven't heard any honking from my neighbor Gary Finney this morning. 

After a rather silent winter, he's been at it again.  

Maybe that's one of the rites of spring.

Anyway, every day seems to signal a new development in the movement toward full-fledged spring here in Selle.

We still have snow but, at this point, a lot more water and mud. 

An abundance of horse hair fell from Lily, Lefty and CB as I had time to work with them last night in the barn.

Not the best picture but entertaining as Lefty and CB share a bite of alfalfa. 

Several crocuses have bloomed around the place and one lovely daffodil. 

Last night marked a true rite of spring when I looked out the kitchen window and announced to Bill, "One deer in the second pasture."

I had seen the deer a couple of days ago north of here and figured it wouldn't be long. 

"As soon as that grass starts turning green, they show up," Bill responded. 

Later, I walked down the lane and had a brief staring match  with the visitor.

Then, the tail went up and the graceful exit from the shelter shed began. 

Off to the woods, and once there, the deer stopped, curled its body and licked or scratched at something near its tail. 

I'm sure this one will have friends soon.

We're also sure that we'll need at least one dog on leash during early morning walks around the place because those deer leave their scent pretty much everywhere overnight. 

We had a pretty rainy and dismal day yesterday, but Mother Nature was nice enough to give a brief break during my photo shoot.  

My subjects started showing up at the location and the rain stopped, providing a lovely few moments for snapping some nice photos. 

Later in the day, I drove over and picked up Emma for her tennis practice.  By the time we had started down the highway, she received a text that practice had been cancelled. 

So, we went to Wood's Hay and Grain for a sack of oats and a nice few moments for Emma with the resident mouse catcher, a big, friendly and beautiful cat.  

Emma was all smiles enjoying that furry friend. 

The beat of a lovely season, featuring life anew, goes on. 

Soon, I'm hoping for a text from Bill who's hoping for good news on his foot, which will mean walking out of the office without the knee roller. 

Certainly, if that happens, it will be a big boost for him, knowing he can get on with his love of the outdoors. 

A perfect time too! 

Meanwhile in Vietnam . . . . after a two-day cruise in Ha Long Bay,  Annie and her friend Deirdre have flown from Hanoi to Da Nang (about 800 km).  

I'd say the view from their latest hotel looks pretty good. This adventure has provided her full immersion into a very different culture, and she seems to be lapping it up, as she always does. 

Hotel view from Da Nang

If you are sick after buying and eating those, follow the sign just next to the fishes... 😅

From one of Annie's Facebook friends

A scooter culture with masks as accessories.

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