Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Coffee with Chris; at Home Scones, Etc.

My friend Chris selected the coffee venue.  

It's in her neighborhood.

"Great idea," I said, "I've been wanting to check out that place." 

So, after stopping at Co-Op and picking up sunflower seeds for our birds, I drove on to town and parked in the Longshot parking lot. 

We met yesterday for a spontaneous afternoon version of  "let's do coffee."

One coffee down, nine more to go, and I'll get a free cup at the Longshot All Day Cafe.

By the time we had stepped up to the counter to order, I had already decided I liked this place.

I agree with writer Zach Hagadone who recently profiled the place in the Sandpoint Reader.

"Stepping into The Longshot cafe feels a bit like stepping outside of Sandpoint — in a good way," he wrote. 


And, for now, they have taken over No. 1 ranking on my Best LOVEd Bathrooms in Sandpoint.

Anyone who knows me knows that access to bathrooms is extremely important.

At the Longshot, the restrooms go beyond the basics, as you can see in the photos above and below. 

Tastefully decorated with a bit of funk, just like the rest of the cafe. 

Downright lovely places for taking a quick break in between sips of coffee, tea, wine or beer.  

Even though I did not check out the inside of the men's room, the outside display of doggie and peep photos adds a classy touch AND something to study while waiting if the room is occupied. 

I liked the classical vintage maps on the wall.  

I loved my piece of French toast to go with my coffee, and I wanted to go get a fork and dig into Chris' salad. 

If presentation gives any clue to taste, that had to be a memorable salad. 

We old friends sat back, talked a lot while sampling our goodies and agreed that we need to get together like this once a month, either at the Longshot or at other fun places in Sandpoint. 

There's definitely a new wave of entrepreneurs in our town, and from what I saw among the busy, helpful, friendly staff, the offerings and the atmosphere at the Longshot yesterday, they are on the right track.

BTW: at the Longshot, it's obvious that they have planned for folks of all ages, and thoughtfully so for the senior set with the beautifully crafted wooden ramp/walkway from ground level to the entrance. 

Fun place.  Thanks, Longshot.  Good luck. 

In the "I Love Ireland department," artist Billy Austin's been at it again, and we feel really fortunate that our daughter-in-law Debbie nabbed us some seats for tonight's concert at the Panida Theater. 

Can't wait for what promises to be a beautiful concert and a wonderful way to usher in some Christmas spirit.

Years ago when I visited Annie who was studying abroad in New Zealand, we drove from place to place around the entire North Island.

Each day before starting on the road, we'd stock up on a variety of nibbles for grazing while traveling.  We also often stopped in bakeries during afternoon breaks, picking out some delightful baked good for an afternoon snack. 

Sometimes my in-car nibbles included scones, not to be eaten all at once but to be enjoyed over the day, breaking off a bite here and bite there.

That tradition with scones has followed me through subsequent road trips, especially in Ireland where convenience store, gas stations usually feature a large section of fresh-baked goods. 

I love scones and will occasionally eat the whole scone when entertaining visitors here at the house.  

I also leave a box of scones for Elisabeth who watches our place while we are traveling.  Those scones always come from Miller's Country Store, and I might add, they are always SO good, regardless of the combined fillings. 

The other day, while preparing to host the ZAGfeast, I decided to bake some scones of my own.  

It was my first attempt at scones.

And, by golly, I don't think a last.  Following the recipe, which includes real butter and buttermilk or cream, and then adding a few homegrown raspberries and blueberries----that was a winner. 

So, of course, I had to document.  

I think I'll be baking scones again, and I know the tradition of feeding off from them on road trips will continue. 

Finally, we enjoyed a frost coating on pretty much everything outside yesterday. Later in the day, those hot pink Cabinet Mountains to the east were breath-taking.  

Today we have a dusting of snow, and that's okay.  

Happy Tuesday. 

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