Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Slight


There's a horse show at the fairgrounds today and tomorrow. 

It's called the Spots of Fun Open, All Breed Horse Show. 

The show has particular meaning to me for a number of reasons. 

I love the family who has played a significant role in organizing the show for a number of decades. 

These days Moriha Leen Yetter and her helpers are putting the show together. 

For years, her parents Moreen and Kenny, held that role, along with other Leen family members and their friends. 

Sadly, Moreen and Kenny left us a couple of years ago----but not their positive, can-do spirit. 

The show is also meaningful to me because our family has sponsored a special award each year, honoring the horse legacy which our father Harold Tibbs had established and inspired. 

The show is especially meaningful to me because 11 years ago today, while I was announcing the first few classes of the 2013 show, I received a call, telling me that my mother had passed away. 

It was sad, to say the least, but also meaningful that she would leave us in the middle of a myriad of horse activities.  

She and her beautiful mare Cricket had graced the cover of The River Journal that week.  Mother was being honored that year at the county fair for all of her contributions to the local horse world. 

That day, when I was announcing the show, my sister Barbara was also riding in the show.  My other sister Laurie was over on the coast with my brother Kevin, competing in a dressage show. 

We all figured that Mother's departure came at a perfect time when horse activities were dominating the scene. 

She was a devoted horse woman all her life, and our dad, the same. 

So, it's kind of special today on this 11th anniversary of my mother's passing to help out with the show as its announcer. 

The spirit of my mother and dad and my dear friends Moreen and Kenny will inspire me and all who participate in this weekend's event. 

It would be an understatement to say that the Spots of Fun Open Horse Show represents far more than beautiful horses and their riders performing in an arena. 

And, with that, I'd better get on my way to the fairgrounds.  

Happy Saturday, and to my mother on this anniversary:  I'll be thinking about you today, as will the rest of the family and your many horse friends. 

Half the fun of working a horse show is enjoying time with new friends and old.  

I met this lady, a trainer, for the first time yesterday. 

Below:  Moriha Leen Yetter, organizer of the Spots of Fun Horse Show. 

Tina Tomonelli is working as show secretary for the second year.  

She has already put hours and hours into the show all ready and will be working long hours this weekend to see that all the entries are processed appropriately. 

Below:  Nathan Sijohn show participant from Spokane, filling out an entry blank. 

Below:  some day this little Leen family member may be participating in the show.  For now, a nap will do.

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