Friday, August 09, 2024

Birds, Bees, Flowers and QZ!


We met Sasha yesterday. 

I was about to pull out of the driveway when I looked to the south and saw a dog, looking like a Border Collie, walking down our easement. 

A lady was walking on down the road, and beyond her was a car parked by the side of the road. 

Turns out Sasha is not a Border Collie and her owner once walked around town on stilts. 

Sasha is an Australian Shepherd.  

As her owner eventually caught up with her near my car and removed her sunglasses, I recognized her.  

Back in the 1990s, QZ used to help us out with ushering at the Festival at Sandpoint. 

Over the years, I've also looked up to her several times as she stood high in the air entertaining crowd with her stilt walking.  

QZ told me that, while doing errands, she occasionally likes to find a road where Sasha can run free. 

Our dirt road served that purpose yesterday, and it enabled us to do some catching up, as we hadn't seen each other for a long time. 

While we visited, Bridie and Sasha got acquainted.  Bridie had been told to stay in the car in the back seat, but she couldn't resist hopping over Foster in the front seat and jumping out the open window. 

As always, the obligatory sniffing took place, and soon the dogs were having a good time in the yard. 

During our conversation, I learned that Sasha has another Border Collie friend, and, by golly, we know her.  Lady Bug belongs to artists and musicians, Karen and Ed Robinson, whom we both know through various activities.

Twas a fun few moments getting to meet Sasha and reconnecting with QZ.   

QZ and Sasha

Foster and Bridie waiting patiently for Annie's arrival last night. 

This morning Foster is a happy dog, having his best friend here for a visit. 

I picked the above this morning while watering. 

My potatoes are coming along nicely, and, except for a few sun gold cherry tomatoes that have been popped into my mouth, this is the first tomato to show some ripening. 

Below:  my first and largest pumpkin.  

No Bonner County fair champion pumpkin from the Lovestead this year!  

This one is about four inches across, so I'll just let it and all the others have time to grow and turn orange. 

It's amazing how some of the garden is far behind, while other veggies came ahead of schedule. 

Strange year for gardening. 

Not a lot else to mutter about this morning, 'cept maybe this giant croissant in Paris. 

After all, the Olympic coverage, I think I want to go to Paris.   

Enjoy your Friday. 

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