Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday Musings and Throwback Day


I drove out of the driveway four times yesterday. 

1. Buy groceries (especially Diet Pepsi and Totinos pizzas).

2. Go to physical therapy. 

3. Get together with a friend.

4. Drive around the neighborhood with the dogs, looking for photos. 

This pretty much set a record for me of late.  

It was a hectic day, taking care of all the stuff here at the Lovestead in between departures. 

Got 'er done, though, and that leaves today fairly quiet until Annie arrives tonight.

She'll stop at Second Avenue to pick up the pizza she'll order while driving through Post Falls. 

Then, when she and her dad roll into the driveway, I'll tell Foster that he's going to be really happy. 

And, he'll go crazy, knowing that HIS very favorite person in the world has once more come home for a visit. 

We try to keep that information from Foster until the last minute because just the mention of Annie's name any other time turns him into an energizer bunny as he (even though blind) looks toward the door and his little nubbin tail wiggles with pure excitement.

By day's end, Annie will be settled in her spot on the couch with her pizza, watching a Hallmark movie and occasionally giving handouts to the dogs. All will be copacetic for the next few days as she enjoys what her "own private Idaho." 

During my physical therapy appointment yesterday, Becca, my therapist, took some measurements, which detected that good stuff is happening, like my knee being straight. 

I hope really good stuff is happening cuz she put me through the paces yesterday.  It didn't seem that rigorous, but my thigh muscles this morning are whining, especially when I sit down. 

I guess that's a sure sign that they're getting a workout. 

In the "small world," "degrees of separation," department, the former owner of the Lovestead, who now lives in Minnesota, sent me a photo of the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz walking with a lady in jeans. 

That lady, in the promotional video,  was her aunt, a sheep farmer. 

Always love seeing the connections. 

Guess my time for typing my morning musings is up, or I'm gonna be late posting.  

So, wishing everyone a Happy Thursday.  

Enjoy the photos and the video at the bottom. 

That guy who talks about "guys like me" is scheduled to be singing at the Bonner County Fair Aug. 16. 

Thursday Throwbacks . . . .
Fair Time

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