Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Summer Evening on Pend Oreille


A fisherman on the dock was catching yellow perch. 

He told Bill that he was killing time while waiting for his prime rib to finish its 36 hours of slow cooking. 


Later, a lady stood on the dock, seemingly waiting to greet us as we paddled our kayaks back to shore. 

"You're from Canada," she proclaimed after hearing me say something. 

"Not hardly, I said. "I've lived here all my life." 

She and her husband had been to Glacier Park and had parked their motor home in the drift yard for the night. 

She hung around and persisted long enough that Bill finally accepted her numerous offers to help load the kayaks. 

She's from Arizona, originally from Georgia.  

The couple has been on the road for three months, and they don't have to be back home until late September. 

In between those dock encounters of Prime Rib Man and the friendly shoreline greeter, Bill and I enjoyed about an hour of paddling and floating around on super still waters of Lake Pend Oreille. 

While he fished with no luck, I took pictures and kept track of a brilliant combination of clouds and sun off to the west. 

Not only did the formation and colors change continuously, but for a while, the mass suggested that it could be a small thunder storm headed our way. 

That did not happen. 

So, we enjoyed the constancy, peace and relaxation of still waters, pleasant evening temperatures and brilliant colors of vegetation and sky.

Twas a wonderful way to cap off a day, already filled with newfound hope. In short, we experienced a touch of pure Heaven on the Pend Oreille water. 

This morning, Bill heads off with Willie for a day-long fishing trip in Canada. 

In the meantime, I'll be tending to preparations for Annie's visit, which begins tomorrow. I also have a physical therapy appointment. 

Should be a busy but fairly laid-back and enjoyable day.  

Happy Wednesday. 

Enjoy the photos with the music (below) playing. 

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