Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mixed Feelings

Ever have those days when your mind is filled with a range of intense emotions? 

Excitement, concern, disappointment, gratitude, etc. 

Well, this is one of those for me.

Some days are diamonds; some days are dust. 

I'm sure hoping some diamonds are glittering at an arena in Wellington, Ohio, because 11 minutes after my blog post is supposed to go online, Laurie will begin her first class at the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals. 

She and Pache will ride a predesigned test for her level of Western dressage. Laurie has memorized the test and the team has practiced and practiced. 

She won't know how she placed until everyone in her class has ridden the test, so three or four minutes to do your thing and then a few hours of waiting. 

Wishing her the best of luck and hoping to report some good news tomorrow. 

Other things are happening today which present some challenges.  I'll refrain from elaborating, but we've all had those days and, generally, we figure out how to overcome the obstacles. 

So, I'll just leave it at that as I keep my fingers crossed for my sister and send some hugs to my daughter. 

Enjoy the photos. 

from sister Barbara: 

Laurie's first ride is Half-Arabian Western Dressage Basic Open at 11:11 (Eastern) 8:11 (Pacific)Tuesday. 

She should know results from that class around noon.

 Tuesday Evening (tonight) she rides in A/HA/AA Western Dressage Hack Exhibition. 

 Best of Luck!

I'm sure Annie was much happier about seeing this Spanish Border Collie today than another dreaded creature.  

You can read about it by clicking on her link.  

She could use some virtual hugs. 

Our Selle Border Collie, Miss Bridie,  was having a great time last night with her usual game of Chuck-it. 

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