Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Slight

In this photo, Bill is headed toward one of the geocaches hidden in the Trout Creek Fish and Game property.

We went there yesterday to check the condition of the caches as part of his preparation for a seminar on geocaching today.

He said 17 people have signed up, so he has a busy day ahead.

It will be a nice setting for them to search for the caches this afternoon, but they'll have to bat away a mosquito or two.

Again, the dryer sheets were helpful but not foolproof yesterday cuz those critters were hungry. 

Willie started his day early.  As I type, he's at the high school helping proctor a college board test.  He'll be at Memorial Field this afternoon to cheer on this year's Sandpoint High School graduates.

Of course, everyone's praying that the predicted rain holds off for the graduation ceremony.

I remember a time, sitting at a graduation during my teaching years when the rains came.  My dear friend and colleague Mike Flaim had an umbrella. 

He was sitting rather close to me, and, as only impish Mike would do, occasionally tipped the umbrella my way causing water to cascade down my head. 

We enjoyed heckling each other, and I'm sure I got him back somehow; just can't remember. 

I also remember the graduation (that was Willie's, in fact) when the rains came so the ceremony was held inside.

Though we were spared of rain as we sat in the gym, the atmosphere still had an outdoor flavor as beach balls were bounced around among the graduates during the ceremony.  

Always something rebellious, it seems. 

Still, nothing has ever fully rivaled the streaker in the early '70s, and it still makes me mad to think I didn't see him cuz I was gawking a different direction at what was a pretty raucous crowd. 

On Facebook, most folks are shouting out their "yippees" that another school year has ended.  

Not so in Sandpoint.  They'll be going through Tuesday and teachers finish up Thursday, I believe. 


While Willie's doing his thing and Bill is teaching his geocachers, Debbie and her friend Alicia will be over in Newport working with another community project for Girl Scouts.

So, I'm thinking dogs will be coming soon.  

Our Todd has been wearing a T-shirt the past few days.  Somehow he suffered a puncture wound in his chest cavity, and it's a stubborn injury.

So, he went to the vet who cleaned it out and handed Debbie some antibiotics and an Elizabethan collar to keep him from licking the wound.

Todd was not happy.  So far, I've never seen a dog or horse who likes those collars.  

He didn't have to wear the collar long cuz I rigged him up the T-shirt and then fitted it to his body with duct tape adjustments.

It actually doesn't look too bad; he doesn't mind it, and it's keeping him from licking.  

So, we hope the wound will heal quickly.  


I might saddle up and go for a ride today in between watching dogs and doing odd jobs around the place.  

Eventually everyone will come home, and maybe we can have a home-cooked meal with salad from the garden.


Nice Saturday around here, and we're hoping it will stay that way.

Have a good day wherever you are. 

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