Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday Slightly Beautiful

Part of the V-X Ranch, owned by the Wood family.  I took this photo from the back side yesterday while driving down Woodside Road.  

Seems like a long time ago that we had our last significant snow event.  So, when the stuff just kept on dropping yesterday, some adjustments to the normal work schedule were necessary.  

For those reading yesterday morning's post, the water problem at my sisters' was resolved. It was a problem with the entire Colburn water system, and the water under their house was probably just a normal thing. 

I could identify with exactly what state of mind Laurie was experiencing, especially because she had to get off to school.  A few weeks ago, when we awakened to no water, the absolute worst thoughts took over my mind, mainly "Where will they have to dig up to find the leak?"  

That's a horrible thought and an even worse image to conjure up in one's mind.  We have learned, however, to reduce the panic by checking with the neighbors, and we're always ecstatic when we learn they're having water problems too. 

That was pretty much the case in the Colburn area yesterday too.  

With that mystery solved, it seemed like things could calm down, but it kept snowing, so much so that a second plowing was necessary by late morning yesterday.  And, that was about the time the rain turned to snow.

Then, however, it stopped, and by afternoon, what had been a major headache turned into a thing of beauty.  Of course, it helped that trails had been shoveled and the driveway received it's second plowing. 

So now, we have not just a blanket of snow, but I'd call it a comforter.  There is enough to shelter the plant life and enough left on trees to create wonderful Christmas scenes pretty much anywhere we look.  

Vacation has started and traveling begins today, with Willie and Debbie and the grandpuppies headed to Boise this evening and Annie flying into Spokane tomorrow morning. 

I finished my editing job and turned it in yesterday afternoon.  That pretty much ended the huge "to do" list that seems to have kept me busier than ever this past month.  

Of course, a little guy called Liam has maybe contributed to the extra load, but we're very proud to say that he's close to 100 percent on the potty training.  Just one minor No. 1 during a hyper mood Thursday night.  

That aside, it's been four straight days of No. 1 and No. 2 performed outside. And, we have shoveled trails for just that purpose. 

Can't wait for Annie to meet him tomorrow, and I think he's gonna like Annie.  His buddy Foster is truly his buddy Foster.  Big brother, soon to be Small Brother, escorts Liam to the door for every single potty break.  

Anyway, all is well on this lovely Saturday morning.  We're looking forward to some relaxation and just plain enjoyment over the next few days.  We wish the same to you. 

Happy Saturday.  GO, ZAGS, at the Battle in Seattle!

Foster, at rest. 

Liam, at chew. 

Wood's cattle enjoying their meal on new-fallen snow. 

A little over a week ago, I took a photo of this same area, where Sand Creek at West Selle Road had extended far beyond its banks during some serious flooding.  I like this scene a lot better. 

Schweitzer Creek on North North Boyer Road. Again, much prettier than last week. 

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