Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dashing through the Snow, etc. . . .

I think some of our resident deer were caught offguard this week when we had the heavy snow dump.

Could be they wish they would have left Selle earlier rather than later when they discovered the challenge of simply crossing a field to jump over a fence to get to another field. 

I have a feeling that before too long, these and others who hung around too long will be finding a way to get wherever they stay during the winter. 

Meanwhile, the horses aren't minding their situations because they can go to the barns when the going gets tough. 

The fish out of water?  We have a couple around here, and they don't suffer too much cuz they're not real-----just like those two heron in the swale below my friend Janice's house. 

I almost slid to a stop the other day to jump out quietly and snap a picture before they flew off, but not wanting to go into the ditch or cause an accident, I moved on.

The next day when I came the same way, the birds were in the exact same spot.  Good job, Janice.  You almost had me on that one. 

Plus, they look pretty neat down there.  

This morning I told Annie she had picked the best possible day to come home because the weather outside is hardly frightful.  

It's stone cold outside but beyond beautiful.  We are living in our very own Selle Valley snow globe, only it's not snowing:  clear, colorful, cold.

So, we'll be enjoying the beauty for sure . . . a lovely gift on this eve before Christmas Eve.  I have a feeling I may be taking a few photos. 

Happy Saturday to all.  Hope it's a beautiful day in your neighborhood. 

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