Sunday, December 13, 2020

All in a Day on This Planet


In the grand scheme of things, it was a fairly mundane day for me here at the Lovestead.

I went after groceries and did get to talk to my friend Colleen, grandma to Liam's brother.  We haven't seen each other for at least nine months. 

A few more Christmas notes went out to friends and family.  

I made another swag for the deck and visited briefly with the next door neighbors as they walked  past. 

I watched a little of the Army-Navy game and just plain putzed through the day. 

During all that time, things were happening all over the world in other people's lives, some monumental, some just special. 

This morning it occurred to me that it would be fun to feature a few glimpses of what I have observed in the midst of living and enjoying each minute of quiet and contemplation here at our haven where we hope to stay healthy. 

So, here goes.  Hope you enjoy this tiny, tiny but poignant representation of the infinite happenings every second, every minute, every hour of a day on this planet.

And, happily, the beat goes on.  

From South Center Valley Road, North Idaho . . . .

The view out my kitchen window yesterday was pretty, thanks to clouds, snow white ski runs and blue sky. 

Bet the skiers had a great day on the slopes yesterday.

Two chainsaws were busily buzzing at the same time in our neighborhood for a time yesterday afternoon---one to the north and one to the south. 

While I was in the shop working on my swag, one of the saws sounded like it was buzzing right out in our front yard. 

Close enough---just across the road in the southwest corner of Gary Finney's farm, I saw his son Rex cleaning up some blowdown from a storm earlier this year. 

When I went over to take some photos, my neighbors Mark and Janice came by, and we attempted to visit over the sound of the saw.  They eventually went on, and I spoke briefly to Rex.

After I noted that two saws were at work, Rex acknowledged the Taylor chainsaw operation just down the road, saying, "Those Taylors set a high standard for work."  

An accurate observation indeed.  After telling Rex that there was a chainsaw on our deck, which Bill purchased in the morning as my gift to him, we both returned to our projects.  

Yes, Bill has made it easy for once in our marriage.  I have bought him something he actually wants.  So, for sure it will be a "big surprise" at Christmas. 

from our daughter Annie in Western Washington . . . . 

Another day, another new hike!   Mt. Erie up by Anacortes. 

from Twitter, just minutes ago . . . .

Breaking - UPS and FedEx trucks carrying the first U.S. shipment of coronavirus vaccine have left Pfizer’s facility near Kalamazoo, Michigan.

A footnote:  I was excited to see on the CBS News last night that the first vaccines are coming from Portage just outside Kalamazoo.

Our Aunt Louise Stuller lived in Portage on West Lake.  On our road trips to Michigan, we knew Portage well, home of Upjohns. 

from my niece in Western Washington . . . . 

In the WTF is wrong with people category: I’m riding my bike up Cirque hill, minding my own business in the bike lane, when some asshat slows down, rolls down his window, and throws a full bottle of sunscreen at me, & hits me in the leg. Hard. 

Seriously, WTF?!?


from my brother near Fort Lewis, Wash. . . . . 

3.2 miles in blue this morning in memory of Micala Christie Hicks Siler and Vincent Casillo. Micala left us on September 30, this year in Kyiv, Ukraine while directing a non-profit which she founded. Her focus was finding homes for orphans. 

 She was a 2001 graduate of West Point, and she had combat service in Afghanistan. She was our neighbor here in DuPont. She leaves her husband, Jason, and four daughters. <wear blue: run to remember> runners worldwide are committing miles in her memory this date.

Vince Casillo was a member of West Point's Class of 1966. He passed away yesterday, December 11, due to COVID-19. 

Vince was starter on the Army football team in 1964 and 1965. He was a "larger than life" member of the Class of 1966, known and loved by all. The Class of 1966 will be holding Vince in their thoughts and prayers during today's Army-Navy game.

As a devoted member of Wear Blue: Run to Remember, Mike, a West Point graduate, always dedicates his runs to someone special in his life or for those who have sacrificed. 


from my friend Jodi . . . . 

So sad 😢 and so unnecessary, I grew up listening to his music...Don’t forget to, kiss your “angels good morning” you’ll never know if you’ll get to treat ‘em like a “devil when you get back home”


from my friend and former student Cherry . . . .

2020 SUCKS !!!!!! I just ... can't ... If not for you - then for someone we love PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE mask distance -- be smart (smarter than you think you are). 

PLEASE - don't be selfish - this isn't about you -- Think about your elderly friends, friends with underlying health concerns or just a stranger


from my friend and former student Lea . . . .

This is my Uncle Ron, one of my favorite people. He is the star of many of my holiday and family memories at my Grandma and Grandpa's house, honestly he is one of the first people I remember as a child and maybe that is because he is just 14 years older than me. 

He was my Mom's little brother, still is and her only sibling. He is so much more than just that, he is a blessed husband, to my Aunt Barb, Dad, Uncle, friend and probably the first person who professionally cut my hair and didn't mind it when I cried. 

Please pray for my Uncle, he is valiantly fighting Covid and it is really tough for him right now. and for my family. Please pray for my Aunt Barb, Lindsay, Lauren and all the rest of my Uncle's family. This is such a difficult time.

from my friend and former student Erica . . . . 

Quinn (Erica's daughter) the animal whisperer.


from my friend and former student, Asa, a Swede who married a Dane . . . . 

Lucia breakfast. Pancakes, maple syrup, lit candles, beautiful Christmas music. 

All prepared by my best friend and husband-the best man in the world, Olaf Svenningsen.

Happy third of advent and Lucia to all!

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones in these hard times.


from Mark and Ann-Marie at Lawcus Farm Guesthouse, Ireland . . . . 

How are our Loves on the Lovestead? Yes, Eire has lifted some restrictions slowly aiming fir a bit more movement from 18th Dec.

The numbers are up in county Kilkenny at present. It's impossible to plan ahead but we will remain hopeful.

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