Thursday, May 12, 2022

Odds and Ends; TBT

It's just glorious out there this morning, and it was last evening as I used the "golden hour" to take a few photos around our neighborhoods.

So, I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.

We feel truly blessed and filled with gratitude when days like yesterday and today come along.  


This annual reflection I've enjoyed over the years now has a new look. 

From now on we must reflect on how the scene looked in the past as Peter Taylor's big new shop is taking shape every day and adding an interesting perspective in the swale beneath the willows. 

I think it's kinda pretty. 

This is a Thursday Throwback, of sorts.

As it blossoms, the African violet reminds me so many perennial flowers given to us over the years by friends and family---and the stories that go along with the giver. 

In this case, my niece Laura gave me the violet almost 16 years ago when we first moved to the Lovestead. 

I haven't taken the best care of it, yet the plant has endured through pots too small, too much time in between watering and general oversights. 

I find it a bit symbolic that that violet is blossoming right now, the week that Laura walks through a graduation ceremony at the University of Idaho to receive her doctoral diploma. 

When she gave me the violet, her triplets were just four years old.  Now, they've all put in time at the University of Idaho, and they've recently left their teen years behind. 

Yes, that violet always reminds me of Laura and the good times we enjoyed as the Laura and her husband Sefo and the kids camped out in the southwest lawn while helping us move into our new home. 

The violet is looking pretty good these days because its care has improved of late.  Its health, in spite of its owner, suggests both a persistence and constancy that are so necessary for violets and all the rest of the Earth's creatures, for that matter. 

So, Laura, please know the violet you gifted me is looking proud these days, just as we are proud of you.  

Bill has been holding on to the metal sign he purchased last October on the Aran Island of Inis Mor and waiting until a good time and place to display it on the Lovestead.

Sunday was that day and the Forest sign display next to the road seemed like a good spot. 


Bill, the forester, left early this morning for Farragut State Park where the annual Idaho State Forestry contest has moved after many, many years at the Delay farm in Careywood. 

As with everything, the Pandemic brought about changes in the way the contest was run.  Last year, participants competed at various venues.

They'll all be together again at Farragut for the day of students from schools, 4-H clubs, etc., learning, competing, enjoying lunch and general camaraderie in the outdoors. 

Bill has been played an integral role with the contest since its beginnings in 1982.  

You can learn all about today's activities in the link below:

Looks like they drew a beautiful day for the kids to be outside, and a beautiful spot. 

Speaking of feeling blessed, I am deeply honored to be a part of the project featured in the story below, as I know my fellow colleagues and friends Rick Gehring, Woody Aunan and Gareth Abell are.

What a wonderful vision toward the future and such a touching appreciation for his educational roots Garrett Smith (SHS Class of 1992 and engineer living in France) has displayed by initiating this scholarship!

It's been a couple of years in the making, with, of course, the Pandemic slowing down the pace of its fruition.  

Nevertheless, two young people are receiving support for their educational futures similar to what Garrett himself received as an outstanding scholar at Sandpoint High School. 

It's a win-win situation for Garrett and the students, and I can't say enough about what it means to those of us involved. 

An inspiring and meaningful gesture, indeed. Thank you so much, Garrett.  

Best of luck, Amanda and Shane.

Happy Thursday.  Enjoy the sunshine. 

1 comment:

Helen said...

Thank you, Garrett for finding a way to honor four special teachers and helping two young people on their path to their futures. And congratulations, Marianne for being one of those teachers and thank you for helping Garrett achieve his goal.