Monday, December 05, 2022

Belt Buckles and Pizza


Denise Cummings of Chatteroy, Wash.,  has shown horses for years.  

She's won ribbons and trophies and plaques and a whole lot of other prizes while competing.

She had never won a belt buckle until yesterday.

The Emerald Empire Arabian Club honored Denise as its outstanding volunteer for 2022. 

Denise happily and efficiently does whatever is needed when horse activities are concerned, including show staff duties, judging and helping out with club projects. 

She also served as the club's representative to the recent Arabian Horse Assoc. convention. 

Twas a festive party at Second Avenue Pizza as the club gathered for its year-end recognition and socializing AND eating fine pizza. 

Once Denise told her story of never winning a belt buckle until this year, two other members followed with their emotional reflections on winning their first-ever buckles with their horses. 

Kari Saccamanno won hers for cowboy dressage ON her Appaloosa.  Yes, she is a member of the Arabian club, even if she rides an Appaloosa. 

The general theme for the club involves enjoyment of horses, mainly Arabians but other breeds are welcome.

Vicki Webb Lowell also won her first buckle this year, showing her Arabian.  

The group celebrated a year filled with achievements, both clubwise and personal, ranging from horse show trophies to photo shoots to trail clinics, etc. 

And, of course, everyone enjoyed their pizza and visiting with each other. 

Twas a fun party, and thanks goes out to Trey and Spencer and the crew at Second Avenue. 

It's always a good time there along with the fabulous eats. 


Vicki and Todd

Laurie and Denise

Maryann and Vicki, who was proudly wearing her buckle. 

Todd and Sarah and their granddaughter.

Kari and Debbie

Tre from Second Avenue Pizza


Roxzene and her daughter Jody help with set up. 

Let's hope there's an abundance of joy in the Kennel tonight when Gonzaga takes on the Kent State Golden Flashes. 

Tip off is at 6 p.m. PST.

ROOT/KHQ, Channel 6. 

Happy Monday. 

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