Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Country Lovin'


Is there a state in this country that hasn't lost its mind and has nice snowy winters? I want to move there.

For some reason, this comment jumped out at me this morning when I was surfing sites while drinking my first cup of coffee.

I don't know which criterion would be more important to me, but I do know it would be nice to live somewhere that the weather is kinder and so are the people. 

Don't get me wrong.  

We have lots of kind people in Idaho.  I've seen that firsthand day after day. And, we sometimes even have weather that is kind to the plants and the animals and the Earth. 

But the crazy syndrome in each seems to dominate our psyches more than necessary. 

Anywho, I got a kick out of the comment and a tinge of wishful thinking. 

Today I hope not to be thinking that thought at all. It's looking like a nice day out there, and I haven't read anything about crazy people yet today. 

The day is young! 😁😍

Thankfully, the blanket of snow we received yesterday morning was but a memory by afternoon. 

I transplanted some Iris and cleaned out a couple of flower beds yesterday afternoon. 

I also discovered a bunch of pretty crocuses making their way through the net of periwinkle. 

And, a several more daffodils opened up in the north lawn.  We should be daffodil crazy in the next few days. 

I wonder when the leaves will start popping out.  I can remember many years when the sunlit radiance and shimmering of baby leaves bursting out occurred in last full week of April.

We may wait a while longer for that to happen, especially with the cooler weather.  

In the meantime, there is still more than enough clean up and fix up to do around here.  I'll probably pick up a bucket of red paint today for touching up the planters in front of the house. 

We still have boards to replace on the barnyard fence and more than enough painting to do on fences all around the place. 

The plethora of "things to do" makes me happy, especially because we are that window in the year where the entire landscape just keeps getting prettier by the hour. 

Love it!

Happy Wednesday. 

I love going down this road off from HWY 95 at Colburn. 

It's one of the prettiest, funkiest small stretches of land around with a strikingly beautiful bright yellow house surrounded by willows and babbling brooks. 

Some parts of the short stretch of road remind me of Ireland; others, especially my friend and former student Gary Bailey's place make me chuckle with the fascinating artistic assortment of North Idaho artifacts. 

It's always a fun drive-through. 

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