Saturday, April 01, 2023

Saturday Slight

So, I'm cheating today with daffodil pictures. 

Old photos of daffodils and, yes, some pansies are the only way to brighten up this first day of Spring Break. 

We're actually getting a break from spring today, which is nice because I was getting SO tired of spring.  

The 10-12 hours of spring spread over a few days  since Spring began on March 20 seemed a bit much with all the warmth and the melting and the birds singing and the yard work. 

So, now, thankfully, we can rest from yard work and other outside pursuits, cozy up in a blanket and just enjoy watching the winter outside our windows like we've done for six months. 

I had already begun to miss the snow, so it's nice to have it show up again on this April Fools Day. 

And, if you believe everything I've said above, please remember that we can make up stuff on April Fools Day. 

The snow depth has probably doubled since I took the picture of Bridie in the hay field earlier this morning. 

Since we had snow in October, November, December, January, February and March, why not add another month to the mix?

So, here we are once again waiting for better times ahead.  Waiting is something we have perfected in North Idaho.

In fact, there is no such thing as "can't" in our waiting  vernacular. 

We CAN wait really, really well because we've had SO much practice. 

Anywho, it's snowing again, and the only way to deal with it---if you haven't escaped to Maui or Arizona--- without screaming is to enjoy the irony of snow on April Fool's Day, the first official day of North Idaho's "Spring" Break.

And, you put pictures of daffodils from other years and other places on your blog. 

And, you think about the basketball games in the Final Four that you can watch later in the day.

And, you hope that when this snow gets all done falling to the ground that it will melt fast and that a good strong breeze will come and dry it all up. 

In the meantime, you just  GRRRin and bear it and weather the storm.

Happy Saturday.  

NEWS FLASH, which should bring a smile on this snowy day:  The Flower Farm just sent me a note with this subject line:  The Flower Farm opens today, April 1st, at 9 AM!

Hope it's not an April Fool's joke. 

I'll go check it out. 


On the bright side, 46 years ago today, Bill and I became parents for the first time when William E. Love III aka
"Willie" was born at Bonner General Hospital in Sandpoint.

Today we wish him a very Happy Birthday and want him to know how proud we are today and every day to be his parents. 

Have a great day, Willie.  

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