Monday, March 10, 2025

A ZAGS Game Day, Et. Al.


I went to visit my sisters yesterday.  They are getting ready to garden. Except for lots of posies and a few tomatoes, they're relatively new at veggie gardening.

Nonetheless, it looks like they're starting out on the right foot with the raised beds framing. 

Barbara and Laurie had just finished assembling the two planters when I arrived. 

I'm excited for them and wish them well as they go through the excitement of planting those seeds, watching them pop up and then nourishing the plants as they grow. 

Of course, the best part will come at the end when they harvest the produce and enjoy the bounty on their dinner plates.


While the their goats grazed in their fields, the Duckens saddled up and enjoyed an afternoon ride down Center Valley Road yesterday.  

Seeing horseback riders on dirt roads is another definite sign that spring is upon us.  

It's ZAGS Game Day, and we have a long day ahead before we can collapse on the couches and watch the ZAGS take on the San Francisco Dons in the West Coast Conference Tournament. 

Tip off is at 8:30 p.m. PDT. 

Let's hope for a win and another ZAGS game tomorrow night. 

The game will be televised on ESPN2. 


I praise and admire the woman pictured below because she took the time. 

Yesterday her Duke Blue Devils women's basketball team won the ACC Championship.

So, that makes her even more worthy of admiration. 

It wasn't a basketball championship, however, or even a game that turned my focus to learning more about Kara Lawson.  

A few years ago, I watched her speak passionately in the video below about why we should not expect things to get easier in life. 

It's always timely and definitely worth listening to again. 

Her message was addressed to young players, but any audience could have gained some insight from listening to her remind us that though we would like to see it differently, life never really does get easier. 

Her message so impressed me that I found an email address and wrote her a note expressing my appreciation for what she had to say. 

I did not receive an email response from Coach Lawson.  

Instead, she sent me a handwritten note with a Duke letterhead. 

It was personal in that she talked about her sisters, and it was so meaningful to me to think that someone who has reached the level of Kara Lawson would take the time. 

Ever since then, I have followed her and her Duke basketball team, clear up to yesterday when the Blue Devils came from behind to handily defeat NC State for the ACC championship. 

Life has gotten easier with all the celebration, but when that ends, as with any celebration, there's work to do.  

And, I'm sure Kara Lawson's wisdom will help her through the challenges ahead.

Congratulations, Kara, and the Duke Blue Devils.  

Here at the Lovestead, we'll be on the lookout for Garrett and his equipment to come rolling in the driveway sometime this week.  

We're keeping our fingers crossed that stopping the leak which has been running for about three months is a fairly easy fix.  

Fingers crossed. 

Happy Monday. 

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